Affordable Sealing and Striping

Concrete Replacement

Affordable Sealing and Striping provides an economical and eco-friendly solution to owners of concrete pavement and parking lots. You can remove defective concrete from the structure and replace it with replacement concrete to eliminate your surface problems. Concrete replacement is a tried and tested technique that works wonders when the damaged area exceeds 1 square foot and has a depth larger than 6 inches.

Professionals at Affordable Sealing and Striping use replacement concrete repairs by bonding the new concrete with the areas requiring repair. With replacement concrete, owners can remove the affected area and replace it with high-quality concrete rather than repairing the whole surface.

The process of concrete replacement involves intricate planning that only skilled professionals can perform. At Affordable Sealing and Striping, our professionals oversee the process from start to end and ensure that your concrete surface needs are fully taken care of.